Project Attorneys
Facing mounting pressure to cut legal costs, many businesses are seeking alternatives to high-priced outside counsel. Engaging top-tier contract attorneys as supplemental staff is a simple, cost-effective solution for corporate legal needs.
Corporations are turning to Galmont Legal to complement their in-house legal staff for project-based and temporary needs ranging from document review and drafting to mission-critical matters that require specific legal experience and expertise. Our attorneys can provide the same services as counsel from top legal firms; in fact, many of them came from these well-known firms.
We can provide highly qualified and credentials professionals with over 15 years of experience in areas such as International Business, Mergers & Acquisitions, Manufacturing, Financial Services, Technology, Data Privacy, Employment and Labor, Intellectual Property, Environmental Regulations and more.
By using our experienced contract attorneys, corporations can reduce outside counsel fees by as much as 50 percent — an ideal option for departments under budget constraints.